1 Photobiennale of the Russian Museum
For the first time in Russia a unique project 1 Photobiennale of
the Russian Museum has been launched within the framework of a museum. Four
hundred professional and amateur photographers from 80 cities in various regions
of the Russian Federation contributed to the project.
In the course of several months Russian professional and amateur photographers
were encouraged by the Russian Museum to send their works to the museum Internet
site following the categories:
- art photography (all genres of photography as part of Contemporary art)
- advertising
- sports
- reportage
- everyday life
All the received photographs, going into the second round of the competition,
will be included in the catalogue published by the museum before the opening of
the final exhibition. Various genres, united in the project, -- reportage, portraiture,
landscape, still-life, nude, sport, ballet, everyday life, ethno, religion and art
- feature both classical understanding of photography and its topical interpretations.
The authors of works, included into the second round of the competition, will
get a catalogue at the exhibition opening. A catalogue may be posted at a written
request of an author and at his/her expense.
The opening of the 1Photobiennale of the Russian Museum final exhibition
is to be held in the halls of the Marble Palace (5 Millionnaya Street) on 26 November
2009 at 4 p.m. The exhibition presenting about 500 photographs will operate in the
course of 2 months (apparently till the beginning of February 2010).
During the exhibition the jury will decide 3 winners.
The Russian Museum will institute a special prize, People's Choice Award, based
on direct and electronic voting of the exhibition visitors. The order of voting
will be announced in the day of the exhibition opening.
Special prizes will be instituted by the following companies:
- Iveta and Tamaz Manasherov, founders of UNIDENT and U-ART Cultural Charitable
- Yarky Mir Company
After the exhibition is over the photographs-winners in the nominations as well
as the works specially recommended by the joint decision of the jury and advisory
council, will be submitted for consideration to the fund and purchasing museum commission
to be included in the museum collection.
Information about the exhibition is available on tel.: (+7) 812 570-54-66
or e-mail: photobiennale@rusmuseum.ru