The Russian Museum - Development and Reconstruction Programmes
1998 - 2008
Information of completing the first stage of the Programme (1991-1998)
- Mikhailovsky Palace, Rossi Wing, Benois Wing
- Stroganov Palace
- Marble Palace
- Mikhailovsky Castle
Aim of the Programme
- Content of the complex.
- Main characteristics of the museum complex (development dynamics 1988 - 1998 - 2008).
Development and Reconstruction Programme. Strategic directions.
- "Rebirth". The Russian Museum Palaces and Gardens.
- Safety and Reliability of Storage.
- Funds of the Museum Open to the Visitors.
- Creating funds of free access
- Temporary exhibitions - funds' rotation
- Publishing activity of the museum
- The Russian Museum General Catalogue
- "Hello, Museum!"
- Center of museum education and children art. The Children art museum.
- Virtual World of the Russian Museum
- «Museum Multi-Media Center in the Western Pavilion (Guardhouse) of St Michael’s (Engineers) Castle»
- Meeting the Third Millennium with up-to-date equipment
- For One Rouble of Admission's Revenue- Nine Roubles From the Cost of Museum Service and Auxiliary Economic Activities of the Museum.
Information of necessity to finance the Development and Reconstruction Programme 1999-2008