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The Russian Museum

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Safety and Security of Storage

Goal: formation of multilevel security system for protection of the collections, palaces and their premises

System of Measures

The main and basic principle of the security strategy for the protection of the museum complex is the systematic and complex approach guaranteeing the optimum combination and correct coordination of all the organizational and technical measures.

    Protection of the museum buildings and collections is achieved by a whole system of measures including:
  • organizational , measures determining the tactics of the museum objects' protection, the structure and the strength of the security units providing control over the functioning of the security system as stipulated by the normative documents
  • engineering protective - to guarantee technical equipment by means of different constructional elements
  • equipment of museum buildings with technical means of security (systems of signaling, fire extinguishing, scanning, communication), enabling the observation control posts to notify special operating units of any unforeseen, unprovided for any situations
Fundamentals of Security Tactics

Tactical principles of the complex security system structure technical means of security alongside the organizational peculiarities and specifics of the museum's regime and activities.

Structure of the security unit- combined: regular staff museum guards, fire brigade, militia sentries, operational units.

    The main tactical goals determine the following regime of security service depending on the museum's regime of work:
  1. Museum exposition open for the visitors on week days
  2. Museum exposition open for the visitors on week ends and holidays
  3. Museum closed for the visitors with access for the experts on business; staff members working at the exposition
  4. Cultural events (lectures, concerts, parties, etc.) for the restricted number of people with the permission to visit the exposition halls after closing hours
  5. Museum closed for the staff (except. the shift in duty) and for the visitors (night time, days-off) - off time.
The Structure of Museum Security

The local security guards should be equipped with flashlights, radio communication, telephones.

Organization of combined security units- militia and museum personnel (guards and operators)- is the most efficient way to guarantee museum security at present. The most important issue is to define the responsibility of both parties in case of encroachment.

Structure of the Fire Brigade

The contract with the fire brigade should define the responsibilities of the fireman providing control over the museum premises and construction sites. They should also organize regular site briefings for the museum personnel, conduct training to practice joint actions in case of fire alarm, evacuation of people and valuables, developing the ability to use primary extinguishing means. The numerical strength of the fire brigade should not exceed the present number of the inspectors irrespective of the number of museum objects.

Measures of Technical Strengthening

    The first and foremost measures are:
  • strengthening of the window glass with a special protective film (the museum complex numbers 2010 windows)
  • strengthening of outside and inside doors
  • installation of the system of lightning-rods on all the museum objects
  • repairs of the museum power supply system with its partial reconstruction
  • restoration of the existing railings and installation of new ones along the borders of the museum grounds
Creation of Complex of Technical Security Means

One of the decisive moments in the organization of complex security system is the well-grounded choice of technical security means and security systems, the organization, installation and continuous maintenance.

The complex of technical means should comprise only the modern adequate equipment with certificates of correspondence to the specifications of the state centres of certification and meeting the requirement- "Efficiency/Cost". The estimation of the cost of the equipment should include not only the purchase expenses but also the expenses to cover its further maintenance and special training of the personnel.

    The following provisions should be made to meet these demands:
  • technical, which envisages multifunctional equipment widely used in the museum
  • information, which includes all the data, indexes, parameters, ensuring the functioning of all the security systems
  • program, which envisages the usage of analytical, educational and information programs for the museum computer centres ensuring the efficient functioning of all security systems
  • normative, which defines the norms and the order of business for the museum personnel

On of the first and foremost measures is the restoration of the technological process of installation of the "Dozor" system; it is necessary for it to develop the program and to carry out complex check tests of the system and its software to guarantee its efficiency and compatibility with the format certified to serve the Russian market of intellectual panels.

Systems of Security and Alarm Signaling

System of security signaling must ensure the discovery and round-the-clock registration of all unauthorized penetration on the area, buildings and premises of the museum, attempts of embezzlement of museum valuables; mounting and removing of guards of different premises, switching and turning off the signaling on certain objects, for example removal of interlock from the doors with the windows remaining interlocked.

The main bulk of alarm equipment of the security signaling as well as the equipment of the board of panels in the main complex of the museum should be renewed completely (on some objects- partially). Obsolescence and service-wear of the present equipment can no longer guarantee the quality of separate and all the more complex security service measures.

System of Fire Alarm and Extinguishing Signaling

Required level of fire security is 10 - 6 fire factors on every person in a year. It should be defined according to the State Standard 12.1.004-91. With due consideration the minimum possibility of fire should be determined by the project designers and technologists while making technical passports of certain objects in due course.

First on the list is the installation of automated systems of fire extinguishing in the depositaries of Old Russian Applied Art, Painting, Folk Art, Distaffs, Frames, Soviet Painting, department of drawings, sculpture, restoration workshops of Old Russian art, decorative wood-carving, furniture, in the storehouses of the buildings of the main complex.

System of Scanning

System of picture monitoring must guarantee video-control of the grounds, vestibules, certain zones of the exposition halls which are difficult to observe during the daytime or which are not checked during night beats, the approaches to the depositaries (with possible removal of militia sentries). Certain rooms and grounds require the installation of videophones.

The system of picture monitoring should comprise a reasonable number of TV cameras for outside and inside observation- approx. 210 cameras. Further growth and modernization of this system should be carried out by means of increasing the number of zones under control.

System of Marking

System of marking should guarantee the prevention of embezzlement of valuables both by the visitors and the personnel.

The installation of the system of marking which will enable to keep under control both the visitors and the personnel takes time and cash expenditures. The first stage envisages the installation of mark identification detectors at the central exit of the museum to prevent embezzlement of valuables by the visitors.

System of Continuous Electric Power Supply

The main task of the system is to ensure continuous functioning of the stock of technical means and alarm lighting in case of voltage failure in the electric system.

    In compliance with the normative papers it is necessary to provide:
  • orderly lighting - lighting of the exhibition halls, passages in off-time
  • emergency lighting - it turns on evacuation lighting and security lighting necessary for the continuation of work in case of emergency switching-off of regular lighting (installed on electric switchboards, central electric panels, adjustment posts etc.)

The equipment of buildings with these systems should be carried out according to the developed projects

System of Notification and Communication

    System of Notification and Communication must provide:
  • reliable telephone communication between units, militia, fire brigade to secure transmission of emergency signal from the units' central observation board to the district central board of security or a militia sentry;
  • local telephone communication between structural units' subscribers;
  • local radio-communication between the guards on duty, guards on duty and the operators of the museum's central board of observation and the personnel (administrators, curators, security offices, janitors etc). It is expedient for all the supervisors and staff on duty to have radio buttons for emergency notifications

All the buildings should be equipped with audio and visual means of emergency notification to inform the personnel and the visitors of the safety measures to take. The notification should come from the operators of the observation boards through broadcasting sets or visual telegraphy devices.

System of Access Control

The main purpose of the system is prevention of unauthorized access of the personnel and visitors to the depositaries of art and material values. The system may be used for time-board registration of the working hours of the personnel

System of Technical Means of Security Complex Control

All security systems must be used in a complex thus enabling to discover precarious situations at the approaches to the guarded zone, to expose possible interior threat due to the specifics of functioning of the SRM and the accessibility of information. They should automatically set all the technical means to the regime of suppression with immediate notification of the museum security and interacting units.

The integration of all the security systems on the basis of PC with a development of special program cover is necessary to enhance the efficiency of the modernized and newly developed complexes of technical means and to keep under control the situation at all the museum objects.

It is also necessary to envisage reliable protection of all communications, boards of panels and other storages of information on the security system at all the objects. Special care should be taken of the control panel and its fire protection.

For the implementation of these tasks the complex security system should perform the following necessary interrelated functions: blocking, discovery, notification and suppression.


The system of measures envisaged by the program is aimed at development, coordination and constant perfection of the security system of the State Russian Museum. It should be done at all the stages including the stage of projecting of the organizational and technical foundation which determines the tendency to minimization of the total cost of work.

The financing should come primarily from the Federal budget supported both by the expense item of the consolidated budget of the museum and by the "Preservation and Development of Culture" program and the "Federal Anti Criminal Program".

In accordance with the conception the complex of security systems will ensure: reliable and timely discovery and blocking of all the vulnerable spots, possible channels of the information drain, effective application of means of security in the right place at the right time, absence of time and space gaps (i.e. impossibility of unauthorized intrusion onto the museum grounds or acquiring the access to the information), well planned, purposeful and concrete functioning. Since it is impossible to secure absolutely everything the concept features the priorities, implementation of its goals and tasks will enable the security service to develop the systems of analytical modeling, estimation of real and possible danger to the collection and objects of the State Russian Museum architectural and art complex. It will also help to create new progressive technologies meeting the technical standards and reducing the unproductive excess expenses on security.

Assessed Value of the Program Development (up to 2008) - $ 10 000 000

  • Measures of strengthening the technical equipment - $ 2 000 000
  • System of security and emergency signaling - $ 5 000 000
  • System of fire alarm and extinguishing - $ 200 000
  • System of scanning - $ 100 000
  • System of marking - $ 150 000
  • System of continuous electric power supply - $ 1 000 000
  • System of notification and communications - $ 300 000
  • System of access control - $ 100 000
  • System of technical means of security control complex - $ 250 000