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The St. Michael's (Engineers') Castle is a unique complex of engineering and fortification techniques and urban architecture.

The ensemble of St. Michael's (Engineers') Castle historically comprised the building of the castle itself and two Corps de Guards pavilions, exerzierhaus and the stables.

The gardens near the St. Michael's ( Engineers') Castle and the Maple alley have always been part of the ensemble of the castle. The area of the castle was surrounded with a special system of canals and drawbridges, which lent it a view of an impregnable fortress.

The present day ensemble of St. Michael's Castle is a result of its active evolution, in the course of which its historical, artistic and functional integrity was partially distorted. The canals were filled in at the beginning of the XIX century thus depriving the monument of its expressiveness, integrity and original spirit. The illusionary effect of its impregnability has gone.

What should be done is: partial or complete recreation of the system of decorative canals and drawbridges once included into the ensemble of the Connetable square with the monument to Peter I in the center. (Taking into consideration practical impossibility of recreation of the water communications system due to the layout of the late XIX century construction it is still possible while on the first stage of reconstruction to designate the location of canals by means of some decorative materials (block pavement for example).

The recreation of the three-span arch bridges across Voscresensky (Resurrection) canal near the southern facade of the building in front of the main entrance. (Taking into consideration that the structure of the bridge, though filled in, as well as the granite facing of the walls have preserved it is possible to recreate the bridge itself without restoration of the canal underneath ("false bridge").

Restoration of the museum preserve zone of St. Michael's (Engineers') Castle with the restoration and further conversion of the gardens for museum purposes as well as partial recreation of the water system will enable to create a new architectural ensemble in the historical center of St. Petersburg which has no analogies in any of the European capitals.

This palace-castle built in the late XVIII century as an imperial residence and its historical system of fortifications may be and should be regarded not only as a masterpiece of architecture but also as unique sample of engineering and technical thought.

The volume and the cost of the project of restoration of the engineering fortifications will be defined after completion of the whole system of complex scientific, research and archaeological investigations. The work on the project should be included into the Federal program "Development and Preservation of the Historical Centre of Saint-Petersburg".