The exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Pavel Fedotov (1815-1852) - one of the most prominent Russian artists of the XIXth century includes around 40 paintings and over 100 graphic works from the collection of the State Russian Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery, State Historical Museum and Ivanovo Regional Art Museum, and also the costumes of the midth of the 19th century from the collection of the Alexandrinsky Theatre. The exhibition presents Pavel Fedotov as a versatile master, the author of famous genre paintings and outstanding portraits and the genius of drawing. Pavel Fedotov is usually called "Gogol in painting": his works expressively and truthfully describe the man of the controversial and complicated period of the XIXth century. In 2015 the anniversary exhibition of Pavel Fedotov was already held in the State Tretyakov Gallery. In the Russian Museum the artistic heritage of this master will be displayed from the other point of view that helps to reveal all stages of Pavel Fedotov's short but bright and productive creative life. The exhibition is supported by VTB Bank