The State Russian Museum to the St Petersburg Tercentenary Event
Language: Russian, English, English
The disk released for the Tercentenary of St Petersburg presents extensive and diverse material on the history and treasures of the Russian Museum. It includes:
- Electronic album of 250 paintings of the 18th v 20th centuries;
- Computer film about the history of foundation of the Museum and about the palaces of the Museum complex;
- From Icon to Avant-Garde: Four Paintings from the Museum Collection virtual tour;
- Anthology of the large-scale exhibitions and projects in the Russian Museum.
Developed by the Multi-media and computer research coordination department.
St Petersburg. A Portrait of the City and its Citizens
Exhibitions in the Russian Museum series
Language: Russian
The disk dedicated to the Tercentenary of St Petersburg includes more than 400 high-quality images of the works of painting and graphic art from the Russian Museum collection. It is a kind of a historical trip around the city. Northern Palmyra appears on the disk through majestic solemnity of Imperial Petersburg, through romantic charm of the city poetized by Pushkin and through exquisite poetics of the Silver Age.
The disk consists of the following sections:
- Foundation of Petersburg
- Naval capital
- Palaces, cathedrals and monuments
- Prospects, streets, palaces
- Life of the city and its citizens
Developed by the Multi-media and computer research coordination department.
The State Russian Museum. Electronic Album
Language: Russian, English, English
The computer programme is dedicated to the Russian Museum collection v the largest collection of national art in the world. The electronic album with nearly 400 images most fully presents the Museum collection. The alternative system of navigation enables to see the images and to get brief information of the exhibits. Each exhibit is accompanied by a reference to its place in the Museum exposition.
The disk for the first time presents panoramic views of historical interiors of the palaces of the Russian Museum: Mikhailovsky, Stroganov, Marble and St Michael-s Castle. The programme contains the chronological index of the works of art, the index of the art genres (historical painting, genre painting, portrait, landscape, still-life, abstraction) and an alphabetical index of the artists. The autoview is included as an option.